New job, nails and NCIS #LittleLoves

Well, I’ve had a pretty exciting week – I only went and got myself a new job! Although only part time, it means a whole new change of routine for us and I am more than looking forward to it! So what have we loved this week?


Lots of blog posts and paperwork relating to my new job! This week I absolutely loved Maria from Suburban Mum’s post about being a working mum – it’s even more relevant to me now! I’ve also been reading the news a lot this week – I was so sad to read about the deaths of David Bowie and Alan Rickman. Although I have never been the biggest fan of Bowie’s music, there’s no denying that the man was incredibly talented and an absolute legend. I’ve always been a fan of Alan Rickman – I loved him in Love Actually, and he was in Die Hard, one of my favourite movies!


This week I watched Noah, which stars Russell Crowe. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be my thing, but I actually really liked it. It was a bit slow at the start, but I’ve kept it on the TiVo box to watch again. We’ve also sat and watched lots of NCIS this week – we’ve always been big fans but we are watching the ones that we seem to have missed. I absolutely love Gibbs and Abby!


Lots of David Bowie songs! Which is really nice because I didn’t think I liked any of his music other than ‘Under Pressure’ but turns out there’s quite a few I like!


Interview clothes! I haven’t got any photos, but it was nice to dress up smart for once. I wore a black wrap effect dress with gold patterns on (much nicer than it sounds!), tights and flat black boots. The school seems to have a fairly relaxed dress code, but it will be nice to have the chance to wear something other than leggings and long tops all day! Not sure if it counts, but I also had my nails done this week. I did the very clichéd one glittery nail thing. I love the dark grey and I love the glitter, but not sure I like them together!

New job, nails and NCIS #LittleLoves |


These gorgeous little handprint canvases with the kids.  It was a really quick activity to do after school with the kids and make a beautiful keepsake. I’ll be blogging about our latest Baker Ross box very soon – watch this space!


And lastly…

I GOT A JOB!!!!! Can you tell I’m just a little bit chuffed?

How was your week?


12 thoughts on “New job, nails and NCIS #LittleLoves”

  1. Well done on getting a job 🙂 That is amazing, no wonder you are chuffed. I’ve been listening to lots of David Bowie’s music too. He was a creative genius sadly taken too soon.

  2. Oooh I really want to watch Noah, I hope I get to see it soon. Those canvases are really beautiful and look so simple! Well done on the job, sounds like a fab week for you 🙂 xx

  3. Congratulations on your new job! Love those canvases, think I might have to have a go at doing them before my little one gets too big. Have a great weekend x

  4. Brilliant news, you deserve it! When do you start? The dress sounds lovely by the way. I love wrap around dresses, H&M do some lovely ones xx

  5. Congratulations on your new job, exciting times ahead 🙂 I love the handprint canvas! Super cute idea and fun too x

  6. Congratulations on your new job!
    I love those canvas prints, they’re so cute! I bet the kids loved getting messy with paint too 🙂 Have a lovely weekend x

  7. Your canvases look ace and we’re looking at doing similar this week! YAY for the job again and it always feels like such a treat getting nails done 🙂 I hope you had a lovely weekend x

  8. What a great idea for canvases – love them! Hope you’ve had a lovely first week of work – how does it feel? #LittleLoves

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