Well, that’s October done and dusted. It’s always an insanely busy (and expensive!) month for us anyway with everyone’s birthdays but we had my brother and now sister-in-laws wedding. That was last weekend, and my god, it was MAGICAL! I really wish we could go back to last Friday and do it all over again. The day after the wedding, it was Alex’s 5th birthday, and this week it’s half term. I’m quite glad about that – we need a month to get over the weekend!
I actually downloaded a book to my Amazon Fire this week to read. I was a bit overwhelmed with work and I knew that if I didn’t take some time away from my laptop and phone, I would probably go slightly crazy. I’ve downloaded a month free trial of Kindle Unlimited, and the first book I’ve been reading is ‘The Art of Hiding’ by Amanda Prowse. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far, so good!
Apart from my baby brother say his vows to Kim (who is also one of my best friends!)? Not a lot actually! We’ve been so busy that I haven’t really had time to sit down and watch anything. I caught up on the last episode of GBBO though. I’m quite sad it’s over because I actually really enjoyed it and thought Noel Fielding was a brilliant presenter!
Lots and lots of music – I danced until my shoes ripped my feet to shreds and my knees gave up! I can’t remember what the name of the song Tom and Kim had as their first dance was – I’d not heard it before but it was lovely!
I was one of the bridesmaids and we all wore the most beautiful turquoise dresses. I think I scrubbed up alright for the occasion.
I didn’t get any photos, but we’ll be doing it again and I’ll probably blog the recipe, but we attempted to make hot chocolate in the slow cooker. It involved Galaxy chocolate, double cream and milk, but it still needs a bit of tweaking to get the recipe just right. Once it’s perfect it will be lovely – we can go out and come home to some lovely creamy hot chocolate ready and waiting!
And Lastly
Alex is 5! He had superhero toys from us. I hope he grows out of the phase by his 6th birthday because he’s had superhero toys from us ever since his 3rd birthday – we’re beginning to run out of things we can get him! From my parents, my nan and my brothers he had clothes, which he was pretty happy about.
You certainly did scrubb up well
The colour really suits you