Posh Paws Snuggle Time Winnie The Pooh Plush Range | Review

The new range of plush Winnie the Pooh soft toys from Posh Paws has got me thinking about my cuddly toys from when I was little. When I was  7ish, I picked out a little white teddy in a sailor dress from a shop in Perranporth, in Cornwall. I couldn’t think of a name for it and was looking around for inspiration. I remember walking past a shop (possibly estate agents?) and it had ‘Chloe’ in the name. It looked like such a pretty name, but a seven-year-old me had no idea how to pronounce it. I ended up calling her Geri (pre-Spice Girls, may I add!). She went absolutely everywhere with me for years and I couldn’t sleep without her. I still have her, in a box in my bedroom. She needs a bit of attention now – her sides are splitting a little bit, but I’ll never throw her away.

My boys are only just becoming interested in cuddly toys. Harrison has one of my Care Bears, which he cuddles up to in bed. Benjamin has a teddy from when he was a baby, and Alex has a little bear called Bill. They’re not quite as attached to them as I was with Geri, but they do love them. I’m glad they have them and enjoy them – soft toys can hold so many memories. Their new Winnie the Pooh soft toys from Posh Paws are rapidly becoming part of their soft toy crew though, and I can see why – they’re lovely!

Plush WInnie the Pooh and Tigger Soft Toys

They have that gentle, almost pastel colour that I associate with the traditional Winnie the Pooh, rather than the harsh bright colours of more modern ones. Straight away, I found them much more calming and more suitable for young children. They’re incredibly soft – probably the softest soft toys I’ve ever felt, making them perfect for cuddling. They feel high quality and chunky, not likely to fall apart during their first time in the washing machine or through over vigorous snuggles!

These ones are the 12″ ones, which retail at £12.99 in Argos. They’re the perfect size for cuddling but they do come in smaller and bigger sizes as well.

*We were sent these products free of charge for the purpose of this review. All words and opinions are our own.

Plush Winnie the Pooh soft toys

One thought on “Posh Paws Snuggle Time Winnie The Pooh Plush Range | Review”

  1. These are so cute – will be getting some for my neice

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