Meal Planning Monday 13/5/19

Boy, am I glad last week is over with. You know when you have a week where nothing completely disastrous happens, but nothing quite goes how you want it to? That was last week. Our router stopped working for two days, which meant I had to cancel work, Graham was on late shifts which makes meal times much more difficult, the handle on my washing machine broke so we couldn’t do any washing for four days, and the weather was just horrendous. On top of that, I didn’t sleep very well most nights so was tired and grouchy! It’s a new week though – the weather is set to be better (which makes a massive difference!), the internet is back working, my washing machine is fixed and Graham’s on his normal shifts so it’s already looking up!

Meal Planning Monday

Meal Plan

Click here to see last week’s meal plan

Chilli chicken wraps with sweet potato fries

Cottage pie with green beans

Hoison chicken with egg noodles

Curried coley with garlic roast potatoes and broccoli

Chicken and bacon tomato pasta bake

Faggots, mashed potatoes and mushy peas

Roast dinner

Joining in with the meal planning linky at katykicker.comS

4 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 13/5/19”

  1. Sounds wonderful. The Hoison chicken with egg noodles sounds delicious.

  2. Faggits ! Now there’s a blast from the past !
    Always inspiring

  3. What a rubbish week you had. I hope this week is better for you!
    All of your meals sounds so good. I’ve not had faggots for years. My dad used to eat them all of the time. x

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