Meal Planning Monday 13.6.22

Oh hello.

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I started 2022 with so many good intentions regarding my blog, but life seems to have just gotten so busy that I just don’t get the chance to do much on it anymore. That makes me sad because without this blog – which is nine years old in November – I wouldn’t have the job I have now.

I’m not going to promise I am going to do much on it, especially over the next few weeks with all the school events and summer term things that are going on, but I do feel a sense of renewed enthusiasm about my blog, and that goes a long way to finding some time to write!

My dad mentioned a few weeks ago that he noticed I didn’t do my meal planning posts anymore. I figured that actually, these are the posts to start back with as they were the most popular ones and the easiest and quickest ones to do, so let’s see how long I can keep these up!

Graham is on the late shift this week, so the cooking during the week is entirely down to me. I’m not a great cook, so it’s pretty simple stuff. I’ve only done Monday to Friday – we never quite know what we are going to be doing on a weekend!

meal planning monday

Meal Plan

Garlic and lemon chicken flatbreads with veggie sticks

Veggie lasagne

Beef and broccoli stirfry

Sweet and sour chicken with rice

Meatballs and spaghetti

One thought on “Meal Planning Monday 13.6.22”

  1. Lovely to see you blogging again. Life does get in the way sometimes and that’s understandably always more important than blogging.
    Great meal plan. I am cheating this week with a Gousto box. x

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