Everyone wants their baby to be healthy, safe, and happy.
And let’s be honest, there is something inexplicable about bringing your little munchkin home.
You are filled with mixed feelings including joy, excitement, even nervousness.
See, babies don’t come with a manual. It is always challenging to figure out how to take care of those little munchkins.
It is a hassle even for experienced parents.
Thus, if you have a baby at your hands and are wondering how to take care of their sensitive skin, nails, and hair, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Here are some tips that can help you make the grooming process easier and less intimidating.
Read on to know more about how to take good care of your baby’s hair, skin, and nails.

- Learn about bathing 101
According to pediatricians, you need to bathe your baby two to three times a week to stay clean. It would be best to use warm (not hot) water to fill your baby’s bathtub.
You can also dip your elbow to check the temperature of the water before bathing your baby.
You would also keep pouring regular cupfuls of water over your baby’s shoulder to make sure your baby doesn’t feel cold.
Make sure you use adequate soap and shampoo to bathe your baby. For this, you can consider using tear free baby shampoo to make sure your little one doesn’t feel irritation in the eyes. It would also be a good idea to stock up on moisturizing soap and lotion to protect your baby’s sensitive skin.