Parents Evening

A few weeks ago, we had Harrison’s parents evening at Nursery.

Our appointment was actually first thing in the morning, and I was able to wait inside and watch Harrison inside the classroom. I’ve always been really curious about what he does and who he plays with, so I made myself as inconspicuous as possible in the corner. He didn’t notice me until I was going through to speak to his teacher. He had headed straight over to a table where clipboards, paper and pencils had been laid out. He picked one up, tucked the pencil behind his ear and went over to his best friend Luke, who was playing on the carpet. They had a chat, which I couldn’t quite hear, and then Harrison headed off towards a table of building bricks.

His report from Miss R was really positive. I came away from his last parents evening, in November, feeling a little frustrated. He was hiding all the things he did every day at home such as counting and identifying shapes and colours, and when I explained to the teacher that he could do it, I felt like one of those parents who insist their child can do it all when they can’t – he really could though!! I did have to remind myself that he had only been in school for less than two months, and that he was only three! I have sent things in that we have done at home for her to see and put in his learning journal.

It seems like he is now coming out of his shell. He is best friends with Luke and they sit together for everything, but he does have a good circle of friends. He’s always been a sociable little lad, which I think is because he went to plenty of playgroups from just a few weeks old.

He can identify his name easily and can form most of the letters in it. He’s beginning to understand phonics now – he had drawn a picture of his favourite food (porridge) and had told Miss R that it began with a ‘p’. We have been supporting this at home by playing lots of phonics games and using these fab phonic/letter formation sheets from Twinkl, which he loves.

Letter formation


He can confidently count to twenty, although when he is asked at school to count a number of objects, he often just says a random number. We both think that is down to him being too lazy to count! He can count objects when he wants to, so I printed off and made this little game, again from Twinkl. He and Alex both love it!!

Counting game

He is a little bit too laid back when it comes to class discussions, and would much rather listen to everyone else rather than contribute, but  is fine in smaller groups or one to one discussions. I’m not worried about that all – I hate speaking in large groups!

His real strengths lie in building things and construction, which comes as no surprise. He loves to build things and make things out of playdough. Last week he asked Graham to help him make a car out of an empty toilet roll holder and straws.  It’s given us some ideas about what to get him for his birthday in June – some Meccanno kits!

The other thing he enjoys and is good at, which again I’m not surprised at, is role play. Harrison is absolutely fantastic at using his imagination which we really encourage.

We are both so proud of Harrison and how he has settled in at school.  Being one of the younger ones in his year I was concerned it may be too much too soon, but he is absolutely thriving there!

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