Lockdown Learning | Week Three

I’m totally confused at what week it is. I’m confused what day it is, especially with the bank holiday weekend! I usually do this at the end of the week but I completely lost track last week.

It would have been the Easter holidays last week and this week for us, and I talked to the kids about what they wanted to do. Originally, we were going to carry on with homeschooling but I needed the break more than them I think, so we haven’t done any formal learning type stuff, but done lots of playing and arty stuff, which is just as important, if not more so!

Some of the things that we have been doing include:

Decorating cardboard hearts from Baker Ross with paint sticks and gems. On our daily walk around the neighbourhood, we have been hanging them on people’s gates and fences. People have found them and put them in our community Facebook group, saying how they really brightened their day!

We’ve been making lots more rainbow pictures for the front window on A3 paper. It looks so lovely and bright from both the inside and the outside.

We’ve done lots of baking. I made jam tarts (which burned!), we’ve made pizza and Graham made lots of fairy cakes with the boys.

There’s also been plenty of playing on the bikes out the back of our house, playing in the garden with bubbles, Xbox time and general drawing and colouring.

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