Solid waste is generated from industrial, household, and commercial activities and includes plastic, glass, organic materials, and metal. It is often an unwanted and useless waste that is not required by recycling industries and needs to be handled in proper ways to ensure environmental safety. Hence, solid waste disposal should be planned systematically by the high authorities. Solid waste disposal should be planned properly through legal, financial, and administrative actions. reedwastecollection is one of the best waste collection services which ensures their best to dispose of the waste properly. Solid waste management refers to the proper planning, collecting, treatment, and disposal of solid waste. It deals with all the possible methods of how solid waste can be used as a valuable resource. In turn, improper waste management leads to environmental pollution, which in turn leads to various diseases caused by insects and rodents. First, let’s discuss the sources of solid waste.There are various sources of solid waste, which are: Domestic waste and garbageConstruction wasteagricultural wasteHospital wasteSewage sludgesElectronic wasteindustrial waste Glass, metals, plastics Solid waste harms the environment and decreases the quality of life. Hence, proper waste management methods have been developed considering economic and social problems. The methods of solid waste management are: This method have been employed for centuries in urban and rural areas. The solid waste was collected at the safe place and it was burnt. However with the advent of eco-friendliness, the open burning of solid waste is discouraged as it leads to the formation of greenhouse gasses which in turn increases global warming. Though it has been a popular method, it is not sustainable in the present world. Fermentation or biological digestion is another eco-friendly popular method of waste disposal and its management. In this process, the organic waste is converted into simpler useful substances in the presence of microbes, such as bacteria and fungi. The resulting products are valuable in different pharmaceutical and industrial applications. Incineration is also the burning of solid waste but in proper furnaces at high temperatures which reduces the volume and mass of the waste by 95% and 80%, respectively. The incinerators are designed under carefully controlled conditions to combine the combustible portion with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, heat, and water vapors and leave ash and bottom ash. The incomplete combustion of waste results in fly ash, which is removed by baghouse filters, electrostatic precipitators, and some other highly efficient emission control devices. The municipal solid waste undergoes primary and secondary combustion to generate energy, which is utilized for various beneficial purposes. The incineration process of high temperature destroys toxins and pathogens of the clinical waste and reduces the waste for landfilling. Composting is a process to manage waste in the presence of highly controlled conditions for biological waste conversion into simpler substances. The process of composting reduces the volume of waste by more than 50% and results in compost or humus, which is rich in nutrients and is sussed as mulch. Both the garbage and sewage waste are composted to reduce the amount of waste. Since the landfill and incineration have been limited due to stringent environmental rules. The composting method has gained attraction. It is the most prominent method of waste disposal in which solid waste materials are collected for the reuse purpose. These materials include metal, paper, cardboard, rags and glass which are treated with care and reused. Landfilling is the most common and effective way to manage waste. A deep trench of 3-5 meters is excavated, which is filled with waste, earthed, leveled, and compacted so that bacteria act on it to degrade it. It is the most effective and clean method for solid waste management. However, some concerns have arisen, one of which is water pollution. The resulting waste chelates to the bottom and mixes up with the water to pollute it. So, for landfilling, various factors should be kept in mind. The major one is that the landfills should be built in places away from the residential areas. The other factor to be considered is the requirement of landfills, which are impermeable at the bottom, to prevent water pollution. A combination of plastic and clay soil can serve the impermeability purpose at the bottom. Implementation of these methods for waste removal can be useful according to the requirements and area of waste disposal. Always try to look for ways to minimize waste production as it is better for our environment and the temperature of the earth. If you find it difficult to manage your household waste effectively, Click Here to get a rubbish and waste collection and management company at your doorstep.Open Burning of Solid Waste
Fermentation of Solid Waste
Composting of Solid Waste
Salvage of Solid Waste
Sanitary Landfilling of Solid Waste
How to Manage Solid Waste Effectively