Baby Toys From Clementoni | Review

Elizabeth is now at the point where, while she can’t sit up unaided yet, she is showing a massive interest in everything around her. She loves lying on play gym and reaching up for the dangling toys and batting them about and if there are toys in reach, she will make a grab for them.

This week, she has been loving her new toys from Clementoni. We were sent two things: musical elephant (RRP £25) and soft building blocks (RRP £12).

The soft building blocks are for babies aged 6 months and over, but at the moment, the boys are having lots of fun building towers for her to kick over or bat over with her hands. They’re brightly coloured so grab her attention, and as she gets older, I won’t be worried about hard plastic bricks being thrown across the room – they’re made of a lovely almost rubbery material. I also love how they come in their own little storage bag, which makes tidying up much easier!


The musical elephant is something she really, really loves. Again, shes’s technically a little young for it, as it is aimed at babies aged 10 months plus, but that isn’t stopping her! We pop it on her play mat next to her and she immediately rolls over to giggle and talk to it, and bash at the keyboard. It is great for introducing an early love of music. It has two big tambourine ears, a colourful keyboard, a cymbal, mechanical maracas and a bow tie that lights up. It helps to teach first letters, numbers, colours, the names of animals and their sound and can be played in three game modes: learning, Spanish and music.

This is our first introduction to Clementoni toys, but I have a feeling that there are going to be many more added to Elizabeth’s toy box over the coming years. They’re high quality, reasonably priced, educational, colourful and most importantly, fun!

*We were sent these products free of charge for the purpose of this review. We were not paid, and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

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