18 week pregnancy update

A day late this week so technically I’m now 18+1!

Another one of feeling pretty good. I’m starting to feel pretty heavy now though, and noticing I’m not able to just jump up from the settee anymore! I’m also finding it harder to run up and down our stairs (which are incredibly steep!) without feeling breathless and in need of oxygen at the top.

On Wednesday I had to phone the antenatal clinic for the first time. I was having lots of little tightenings across my tummy which weren’t painful but left me needing to catch my breath and were a little uncomfortable. I recognised them as Braxton hicks but kept an eye on them as it’s still quite early to have them. I think I had them in the last three weeks with Harrison and from about 22 weeks with Alex. They usually do get felt earlier the more kids you have. By late afternoon they hadn’t eased at all so to put my mind at rest I phoned the hospital. They said it was a little early but as long as they weren’t regular or painful, and that everything else was ok then just to rest and keep an eye on it, and phone if they got worst. By the evening they eased so I definitely think it was Braxton hicks. I’ve had the odd few since usually when I’ve been doing a lot.

We’ve started to buy the odd bits and pieces for baby. We bought bottles and a pack of muslin cloths and our first cloth nappy from Beebies Baby Store which we have used on Alex as we want to make sure we like cloth nappies before buying more. I also won a comforter blanket from Hannah at Mum of a Premature Baby and I’ve also won a light show mobile thing on Twitter from My Bumps and Babes which will go in babies cot. Next purchases will be the pram and some more cloth nappies.

As always, leaving you with a bump picture from this week!


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