Hot Wheels Extreme Action and Nikko Velocitrax | Review

All three of my boys love cars – watching Top Gear, identifying the different cars on the road, but most of all, playing with them. They have a huge (and I mean huge!) box full of cars of varying shapes and sizes. When we were sent these two items from Toy State, they were so excited to give them a whirl and test them out.

Toy State is an American company that was founded more than 30 years ago. They manufacture and distribute a wide range of toys for some well-known brands including Hot Wheels, Nikko, Marvel and DC Comics.

Hot Wheels Extreme Action Scorpedo

The boys are no stranger to Hot Wheels – they have a huge collection of them, but they usually associate them (as do I) with the smaller, die-cast style cars. They were dead excited to see this big one! I have to admit to being slightly less excited about the fact it needed 3xAAA batteries (which are included) – this looked like it was going to be a noisy one!

And oh my god, was it noisy! It was possibly one of the noisiest, and with that, the most annoying toy that the children have ever had. I was desperate for it to run out of batteries as quickly as possible, but the noise and the lights made it even more exciting for the kids. They bloody loved it.

It costs £19.99 from Amazon.

NIKKO Velocitrax

Now, this was fun. A lot of fun. I think the kids had fun with it, but if I’m honest, I think Graham and I spent more time taking it off them so we could play with it!

It’s a remote control car which flies around at speed (and it really is fast – I tried to get a video but I couldn’t keep up with it!). It can do 360-degree spins and is perfect for all terrains and surfaces.

Like most cars, it does need a good charge before you play with it – an hour of charging gives you about 20 minutes play, which I think is pretty standard when it comes to remote control cars. The charger for the vehicle is included, but you do need 3AAA batteries for the controller. These are included. My only negative point is that to put it on charge, you need to unscrew the base to disconnect the battery pack. This means an adult needs to do it every time and makes it a little bit faffy.

It’s been a favourite with all the kids over in the park, but we’ve loved taking it to the beach with us, where it flew over the sand and rocks! For younger children. it’s probably a bit difficult to control, but the older ones (and adults!) will have no problem. It’s available in two colours, green and black, and orange and blue.

It costs £29.99 from Amazon.

*We were sent these products free of charge for the purpose of this review. All words and opinions are our own and have not been influenced in any way. Contains Amazon affiliate links.




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