17 weeks | The Pregnancy Diaries

17 weeks!! We are rapidly hurtling towards that magical half way point now, and I am amazed at how quickly this pregnancy is going.


Last week was incredible. The sickness that seemed to have reared it’s very ugly head seems to have disappeared, and I seem to be finally getting that bit of energy that is supposed to come in the second trimester. I’m tired at night time, but in the days I have much more energy. I’m absolutely making the most of it because I know it won’t be long until everything aches and hurts and I’m grumbling and groaning.

The big news of last week, if you hadn’t already seen, was that we had our private gender scan at Window to the Womb Ellesmere Port and found out that we are having a little girl. It was a magical experience, and I’m not sure it has quite sunk in that we are going to have a daughter. Graham and I keep turning to each other and whispering ‘it’s a girl’. We already know her name, and it’s been odd calling her that but I love it!

On Saturday, we spotted someone selling a pushchair on Facebook – an iCandy peach (in pink, obvs! for £50. It seemed like a bargain, so I went to view it and it was in pretty good nick. We will need to buy a footmuff for it, and I’ll spend some time polishing up the frame to get rid of a few of the scratches, but it was worth the money. I can’t believe we already at the point of buying bits. We also went to Asda and bought her first little outfit – some Bambi babygrows and vests for hospital and some muslin cloths. I’m not going to lie – there were a few tears when we were looking. I’ve always walked past the girls stuff and cooed over how cute it is, so being able to buy something was incredible.

Looking at what we already have for baby girl, it’s amazing to see what we have began to amass. We’ve got plenty of nappies, and in the next few weeks we are getting a delivery of lots of the big things. We’ve been so lucky that we have lots of friends who have had babies quite recently and are giving us bits and bobs that their children no longer us. That makes a massive difference and is saving us lots of money.

The kicks and flutters are getting more noticable and more regular now and the boys (and Graham!) are impatiently waiting for the moment they can feel her move. They kiss my tummy every night before they go to bed, and are always talking about her. They’re all going to make brilliant big brothers.

2 thoughts on “17 weeks | The Pregnancy Diaries”

  1. 17 weeks already, they are going by very quickly, I bought my daughter a bright pink pram on facebook for £60 includingcar seat with a fur trim hood, I absolutely love it, especially as its parent facing, I have had one k all 3 children and love interacting and developing their speech whilst out and about, oh I totally get the girls clothes range, Ive spent much more o pretty clothes, shoes, accessories than I ever could have on my son, we also chose her name (Aria-Mae) a week before she was born my partner changed his mind and she had no name until we were home the next day and had to decide because our older 2 needed to know a name for her, shes now Mollie Jane xx

  2. Loving yiur pram style – my neice has yet to decide on what she wants

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