If you spend a lot of time at home, whether you work there or take care of your household and pets, you may sometimes feel a little trapped and suffocating. Everyone needs a small spot in their home where they can shut the rest of the world out, read a book, take a nap, listen to some music and generally kick back and chill out for a while. In this post, we will look at some ways to create a little haven in your home.
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Keep it simple
To create a haven within your home, you do not have to spend a fortune. A few simple and inexpensive changes can completely change how you feel and use a space. The main thing is that the room or the spot feels like it belongs to you and is somewhere you can retreat to when the world gets a little much without interruption. It may be a guest bedroom, a large walk-in wardrobe, or even somewhere like your loft. Just make sure that you claim the space as your sanctuary – your haven at home.
Be careful with colour
Something as seemingly simple as colour can have an enormous effect on the vibe of a room. In fact, colour psychology is about as far from simple as you can get. Interior designers and psychologists agree that shades of blue and green are the most calming, but lilacs, corals, and even off-white can be conducive to a soothing and relaxing environment. Home decor trends will always come and go, but a calm colour scheme will stand the test of time.
Create a cosy corner
Set up existing furniture and accessories to create a cosy little corner on a shoestring budget. Place your favourite chair next to a window with a good view and add a small side table with a decorative lamp, candles, or drape with the ever kitsch and cute fairy lights. Chuck in a few soft throws and snuggly cushions, and you will have a place to curl up with your morning coffee, read your favourite book or enjoy an evening tipple.
Become a sensory seeker
Candles are a perfect way to set the stage for a room cheaply and easily. Scents like jasmine and sage are generally calming and relaxing as they have warm undertones. Also, cinnamon can be soothing in the right way. Citrus scents are known to give a fresh, summery feel to the room.
Find innovative ways to apply your fragrance to your décor. Place the candles on top of the decorative dish or fill a beautiful glass bowl with colourful potpourri. You can also use items such as oil diffusers or flameless candles that match your home decor perfectly, no matter what your theme.
Creating a haven at home does not involve massive amounts of DIY and decorating, nor does it have to be expensive. It is about using the room you have and making it somewhere that feels good.