What risks are there when having a labiaplasty? |AD

*Paid guest post

There are many reasons why women choose to have vaginal cosmetic surgery, including concerns about their vagina’s appearance, as well as for health and hygiene reasons, such as managing chronic pain or repairing tearing or other damage.

While this surgery can be safe and effective when carried out correctly, there can be significant risks associated with a labiaplasty if the procedure is performed by those without the correct training or who are otherwise negligent in the care they provide.

Understanding the risks and the possible consequences of a negligently performed labiaplasty can help women to make an informed choice about this surgery, as well as to recognise where post-surgical complications may be due to failures in the way their procedure was performed.

Risks associated with labiaplasty

There are various symptoms that you should normally expect following a successful labiaplasty, including soreness, bruising and swelling. These symptoms should normally pass within two weeks of the surgery. It is normal to have some discomforting when urinating or sitting during this post-surgical period.

More serious risks associated with a labiaplasty that has gone wrong include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Reduced sensitivity of the labia
  • Blood clots
  • Allergic reaction to anaesthetic

While some of these effects might be temporary and treatable, others, such as scarring, can be a lifelong problem.

One important risk to consider with any type of cosmetic surgery is that you may not get the results you are hoping for. People can have unrealistic expectations of cosmetic surgery, so it is important to research the results that can be achieved and be prepared for the likely outcome.

If you are planning a labiaplasty, you should only have the procedure performed by a clinic registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Warning signs for labiaplasty negligence

The following may be cause for concern following a labiaplasty:

  • Soreness, bruising and swelling that does not subside after two weeks or so
  • Bleeding
  • A burning sensation
  • Numbness
  • Any unusual discharge

What to do if you have received a negligent labiaplasty

If you are experiencing complications following a labiaplasty, you should speak to your GP as soon as possible. They will be able to advise you on what further action you may need to take.

In the first instance, you should usually contact the doctor or clinic where your surgery took place. They may be able to provide follow-up care to address any side-effects you are experiencing.

If you have concerns about the care you received, you can make a complaint to the General Medical Council (GMC).

Claiming compensation for labiaplasty negligence

If you have been left with ongoing health complications due to errors made during a labiaplasty, you may be able to claim compensation. This can be used to pay for corrective surgery, as well as compensating you for your pain and suffering, and any other negative impact on your life.
If you wish to claim compensation for a labiaplasty gone wrong, it a good idea to consult a legal team with specific expertise in this type of claim. This ensures that you can get the experienced advice and guidance you need to give you the best chance of securing a fair settlement.

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