What a week!! It has been absolutely insane. On Wednesday I went on a school trip with year two to Dudley Zoo, and it was so, so hot. Thursday saw me going on a coach down to Weston Super Mare with year one. Thankfully, it was a bit cooler, but three hours each way on a coach with 40-odd 6-year-olds wasn’t exactly my idea of fun. The children enjoyed it however, and that is the main thing.
Saturday was the absolute highlight of our week though – it was Harrison’s 5th birthday. We had promised him a small party, which although there were only 9 children, it ended up wiping us out for the weekend. Sunday, and the beginning of this week have passed us by in a blur, with me having a rather nasty viral infection and bug.
Ignore his grumpy face – he hates photos! We were sent this gorgeous white linen shirt from House of Fraser to review for Fathers Day. I think he looks really nice in it and it is perfect for a couple of weddings we have in the summer.
We are really lucky to have a front garden at this house, and whilst it is still a bit bare, we have a rose bush which I love. I went out Wednesday morning to find that it had finally bloomed!
I’m not generally a fan of zoos – I’m not entirely sure I agree with them. However, I’m not going to lie that I loved seeing these beautiful creatures close up!
On Friday, I started a low-calorie meal replacement diet. I have to admit I have really struggled with some of it, but I really love the shakes that I have been having in the morning – this chocolate mint one was lovely and creamy tasting. I’ll be blogging about it very soon.
This was a little photo I took of Harrison’s presents. We don’t go over the top on presents, because they get so much throughout the year, and especially as he was having a party as well. We bought him a couple of pairs of jeans, a VTech smart watch and a telescope
. He had some lovely gifts from his friends and lots of Playmobil from family.
This was party day! As you can see, it was slightly manic, but the sun came out and the kids could go out into the garden. Big thanks to my brother Simon for doing the dj-ing for us!
I love this photo of the boys. Harrison and Luke are the same age, Alex is a 3 and Jake is 7 but they’re all best friends and play so nicely with one another.
That was our week on Instagram. How was yours?
Oh that’s a coincidence, my little girl’s birthday was on Saturday and we bought her a telescope too! It’s such a lovely thing for children to be interested in these days, she has been asking for one for a while and she adores it. I hope Harrison had a lovely birthday.