Last week saw us go back to almost normal after Christmas. The various clubs and activities that the kids go to after school and on a weekend don’t restart until this week, meaning it was a little bit more chilled out – good job, as Elizabeth was a bit grumpy and unwell after her vaccinations on Wednesday.
When we found out we were having another baby – particularly a girl, one of our biggest worries were how the boys would feel. A baby has a tendency to take over – I can’t always sit there with them to do something as I did before if Elizabeth needs feeding, and sometimes, they have to play quietly because she’s asleep. I was worried that they might feel pushed out or jealous, but the reality couldn’t have been further from the truth. They adore her. Harrison is quite happy to hold her or stand up rocking her if I need to go and so something, and the first thing that Ben does every morning is come into our bedroom to give her a kiss and cuddle. They have all completely embraced the role of doting big brother, and I think they’ll protect her and look out for her for life if the last almost five months is anything to go by!

Aww! How lovely! It sounds like the boys have settled in really well being big brothers x
That’s so lovely. I think that’s always a fear when a new baby enters the home, but it amazing what great big brothers / sisters they make isn’t it? I just hope the relationship my two have will last all their lives.
Aww they are so cute. What lovely brothers they look. My boys are really good friends, it is nice to have two boys together xx #ordinarymoments
They look like just the best big brothers. I’m sure their relationship with her will continue to flourish as she gets older x
It can be such a worry when you bring home a new sibling, but I strongly believe older brothers are amazing with their younger sisters. They’ll always be there to protect them!
That second picture is gorgeous! Definitely taking big brother duties seriously! Joining in with #the ordinarymoments