How To Create An Efficient Cleaning Routine That You Can Stick To

Cleaning is one of those jobs that you just can’t get away with putting on the backburner. If you have kids and pets, then it can be a daily task to keep on top of everything. Making a cleaning schedule can be a great way to manage daily, weekly and monthly jobs in manageable chunks and takes away the need to spend days or hours having a substantial clean because you’ve been putting it off. Creating a plan can help you manage your time better and gives you a schedule that you can stick to and tick off as you go. 

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Daily cleaning

It might seem like an arduous task to manage every day but taking thirty minutes out of your schedule to give the house a quick clean can help maintain a happy mind too. Things to consider on a daily clean include:

  • Cleaning the kitchen and bathroom sink as they see the most action every day
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor, especially if you have a pet
  • Wash the dishes before going to bed and wipe worktops, so everything is ready for breakfast.

Weekly routine

Taking a few hours a week to do some weekly tasks can help free up precious time at the weekend. If you’ve been keeping up with your daily tasks, then these weekly chores shouldn’t take too long to complete. To get your cleaning spree off to a great start, consider these elements:


  • Start at the top and work your way down when cleaning cabinets and worktops
  •  Clean the sink and draining area
  •  Sweep and mop the kitchen floor


  • Clean the bathtub and shower areas
  •  Wipe down sides and countertops
  •  Disinfect the toilet thoroughly
  •  Depending on your floor surface, vacuum and mop the floor

Bedrooms and living spaces

  • Empty the trashcans in each room into your main garbage
  • If you have a two-story home, start upstairs and then move downstairs while dusting from the top down.
  • Clean mirrors
  • Once you’ve finished, vacuum the floors in each room

Monthly routine

Monthly chores can take a little more time, but once they are complete, your home will look amazing and feel fresh. Take a look at some of the things to consider for a monthly spruce up:

  • Clean the tops of high cabinets and door frames
  • Flip your mattress
  • Clean window sills and frames
  • Clear out the refrigerator and freezer of food you no longer need

There are some chores which can be left as annual tasks such as organizing the garage and sorting through your paperwork, and giving your carpets a deep clean. Additionally, regular pest control measures can help maintain a clean and healthy environment. For those in need of specialized services, Daytona Beach pest control companies offer comprehensive solutions to keep your home free from unwanted pests. Starting with these handy pointers can get you into a regular schedule, which can make time for the important things in life. Using this as a guide will help you to incorporate it into your own lifestyle habits, and you can tailor your cleaning schedule so the whole family can get involved..

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