Back to Blonde #MySundayPhoto

After months and months of hating my home-dyed, multicoloured ratty looking hair, I finally went to the hairdressers on Friday and went back to blonde! I was really pleased with how light it went, as I was expecting it to lighten just a little bit. I had about an inch taken off the end and some ‘bangs’ put in at the front!

It’s not just my hair that has had a makeover, though – what do you think of the new blog name? I had fallen out of love with Parenthood Highs and Lows a while ago, and I don’t think that helped with my feelings about blogging. Now, with a new name and a new look, I feel inspired again!



19 thoughts on “Back to Blonde #MySundayPhoto”

  1. Blondes definitely go have more fun ha! I love you, you look great! I also love your blog name, it’s what caught my attention this morning, I too could be described in these three words ha! Have a great day xx

  2. surprising how a change of name can give you a boost and give you a new love for your blog, and the new colour hair looks great – and it is a great confidence boost as well.

  3. Thank you, Rachel for visiting my blog. I love doors and have printed a collection and hung them on my wall. I get compliments on them all the time.

  4. Makeovers all round! Love your hair and your new name. I hope it helps with your blogging. #MySundayPhoto

  5. The new name is fab I love it, the hairdresser has done a fab job of your hair to get it that light in the first sitting and it still be in good condition takes skill you would believe some of the mess’s I have had to correct in my time x

  6. Love the new blog name. It is scary to make the change but I’m so much more settled with our blog name than I was. Love the blonde, I haven’t had blonde hair for years now. Perhaps I need a change ;0)

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