An After School Walk In Rhyl | My Sunday Snapshot

“Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully’

Kristen butler

The beginning part of this week saw us have some beautiful weather in North Wales. It was cold, but sunny and dry, which I think is my favourite sort of weather.

We usually pop along to the harbour on a Tuesday because Harrison doesn’t finish until 4.15, and we live too far from school to warrant going home and coming back again. We normally have a milkshake and a gingerbread man before going to collect him, but this week, because the weather was so nice, we went for a walk. The sky was just starting to turn pink and everything looked SO pretty.

Linked up to Rachel Swirl’s My Sunday Snapshot Linky

5 thoughts on “An After School Walk In Rhyl | My Sunday Snapshot”

  1. Love walking along the water at this time of year, our weather here like you has been cold, but not wet till today, but walking along the sea, sometimes the sky looks beautiful

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