6 Months in Wales

Today marks 6 months since we moved into our new home in Wales

Today marks 6 months since we started our new life.

Today marks 6 months of picnics, walks on the beach, building sandcastles and exploring.

Today marks 6 months of happiness.

When we first decided that we were going to move here, I thought that at some point we would question the decision. Had we done the right thing? Upping and moving 130 miles away from our families, our friends and everything we knew was a big decision. Would the kids be happy at their new school? Would they make new friends? Would Graham find work? Would I make friends? Would we adjust to moving from a huge city to a small town? Would we miss our families?

Six months in, and I can honestly say the answer is yes to all of them. Neither of us has regretted the decision to move here, not even for a second. Graham found a job two months after we moved here, which he enjoys and already has had a promotion. I’ve made a few ‘mum’ friends, and we love living somewhere a lot quieter and a lot slower paced. We miss our families a lot, but we’ve managed to see them regularly, and I actually think our relationship with our families is probably better. Instead of a couple of hours here and there, we get to see them for a whole weekend. We go for long walks and a cup of coffee and really enjoy each others company.

The kids have absolutely flourished at school. We are so lucky that our local school is one of the top rated ones in Wales, and we can see why. Harrison is really being pushed with his learning and Alex, who is only in the nursery,  is already reading basic books. The schools get the parents involved with everything and we know exactly what they’ve been up to every day. They’ve both made lots of friends, and Alex has his first very special friend. They’re both learning Welsh, which is something I’m really pleased about. They’re teaching us the odd word and phrase!

We still love our bungalow by the sea. We’ve never lived in a house that’s felt like a home. It’s always felt like someone else’s house. This one is different. It might be rented, but it feels like our home. We have just signed a new 12-month contract, so we feel secure and safe here, something we’ve never felt. We’ve started to decorate now to really put our own stamp on the place, and our landlord is a real gem, coming out straight away on the odd occasion there’s been an issue. After having landlord after landlord who didn’t give a shit about us, it’s lovely.

I’m much, much fitter and generally healthier than I was 6 months ago. We walk so much more now, sometimes 5 or 6 miles a day. In October, three weeks after moving here, I struggled to walk half that distance. Now I can do it easily. The kids are getting more exercise and will grow up healthier and fitter than they would have living in Birmingham. We’ve changed from a family who would spend most of our free time inside, watching TV, to a family who is outdoors at every single possible opportunity.

The main difference is in our happiness. Everyone has commented on how much happier we all seem, and we really are. There’s less bickering and arguing, and much more time spent together doing things as a family.  We’re smiling and laughing lots more, and have really begun to appreciate the little things in life.

I know one thing now – I couldn’t ever imagine living anywhere else. North Wales is our forever home.


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