Nowadays, there is no shortage of parenting counsel available for new and expecting parents. You’ll find advice presented in the form of popular mummy blogs, best-selling post-partum books, family podcasts, well-meaning friends or family members and even strangers on the internet. After being bombarded with spiels of opinions and information, it can be challenging for new and expecting parents to identify which pieces of advice to take and which to ignore. Often the best parenting advice comes from existing parents, who have previously dealt with the parenting issues your experiencing, or due to face and can offer a second opinion. Considering this, we’ve created a list of parenting tips aimed at expecting and new mothers to aid you in your parenthood journey.
Don’t Rush Baby Milestones
Surrounded by social media and fellow parents, it can be difficult for new and expecting parents to not compare their parenting abilities (and children) to others, especially when our children start achieving milestones, like crawling, walking, etc. because this is how we reassure ourselves that our child is doing well. However, parents need to remember that all children are different and will achieve these milestones at their own pace. If you have a genuine reason to be concerned about the rate at which your child achieves these milestones, we recommend contacting a paediatrician in London or surrounding areas. You can contact these places easily online through Childhealthy who allow you to book appointments or book classes through their website. They will dispel any worries that you may have and calculate whether your child is on track of their physical and neurological growth.
Feel Free To Ignore Advice
Expecting and new mothers are prime targets for parenting advice, regardless of whether it was asked for or unsolicited. However, it’s incredibly worthwhile for new parents to listen to experienced mothers to gain insights and perspectives on common parenting queries. It’s also good to listen to your maternal instincts and decide for yourself whether to take or ignore a piece of advice. Plus, understanding that what works for another parent may not work for you and your child.
Trust Your Instincts
When it comes to the care of your child, new and expecting parents must realise that everyone else’s opinions are irrelevant and only you know what is best for your baby. It’s essential to trust your maternal instincts, even if someone else is telling you differently, and not to feel scared to approach a health care professional or a paediatrician in London if you think that is the best course of action.
Learn To Accept Help
It can be tempting for new and expecting parents to want to do everything yourself; however, new parents need to learn to accept help whenever it presents itself. Dealing with a newborn is difficult, especially if you have other people in the house to care for, and it can be difficult for new mothers to accept help from another being besides their partner. However, help from willing friends and family members can be lifesaving during the first few months of your child’s life and as they grow older! This could be something as simple as a friend offering to cook for you one night, or them looking after the baby while you catch up on a few hours of sleep, anything that allows you to rest.