My Top Ten Books for World Book Day

On World Book Day, we tend to focus more on children and the books that they read. Last year I wrote all about Harrison and Alex’s favourite books, and if I’m honest, they haven’t really changed since then.

Reading has always been a big deal to me. For the past couple of years, I haven’t read a lot at all – blogging seems to have taken over, and I really miss it. I’m now making the effort to go to bed just fifteen or twenty minutes earlier every night and using that time to read a book instead of a blog. I used to be able to read a book in the space of a couple of hours (in my life before kids!) but now only manage a chapter or two a night. I still love reading, and I think that it is important that the kids see that I read and that it can be enjoyable. I don’t just love fiction though, I love reading non-fiction, particularly historical ones, and poetry. I’m working my way through a long list of poetry publishers to find some really great poets.

I’m not a book snob. I will read pretty much anything if it catches my eye. I’m probably one of the only people in the world that hasn’t read Harry Potter (I got half way through one and it bored me!) or Lord of the Rings (absolutely not my thing!) but apart from that, anything goes. I’ve read Shakespeare for fun, some classic literature and lots of cheesy chick-lit. I thought it would be interesting to share some of my absolute favourites with you – believe me, narrowing it down to just ten was bloody difficult!!! You can find affiliate links to the books at the bottom of the post.

The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown

I read this book when it first came out and have been a huge fan of Dan Brown’s novels since. I’ve read all of his books, and it is a toss up between this one and The Lost Symbol for my favourite.  I love anything that has a bit of a conspiracy theory running through it. Whether it is based on any sort of truth I have no idea, but it’s interesting nevertheless.

Annie – Thomas Meehan

This was one of my favourite books as a child, and I still have my very old and battered copy. I’ve read it many, many times and randomly, every time that I am poorly I have the urge to have an early night and reread it. Strangely, I really don’t like the original film, but I love the new version with Jamie Foxx in!

My Favourite Books A|

Charlotte’s Web

I really don’t like spiders, but every time I see one I try to imagine that it is Charlotte, and I’m much less likely to squash it! It’s the first book that I can ever remember making me cry, and is still a book I pick up every so often.

PS I Love You – Cecilia Ahern

 I absolutely love this book, and I end up in floods of tears every time I read it (or watch the film!!). I like quite a few of Cecilia Ahern’s books, but this is my absolute favourite.

Along Came a Spider – James Patterson

Crime and psychological thriller novels are probably my favourite genre, and James Patterson is the absolute master of them. His books are full of suspense and certainly keep you on your toes!

Goodnight Lady – Martina Cole

When I was in 6th Form, my friend lent me this book to take on holiday. I’d never heard of the author before, and it was a fairly hefty sized novel. I read it in a day and have been a huge fan of Martina Cole ever since. I have all of her books, apart from the last one that she released. I love the whole London gangster/underworld theme that runs through them all.

50 Shades of Grey – E.L. James

I am absolutely not going to apologise for this being in my top ten. It’s not great literature by any means, but it’s a book that I’ve read on more than one occasion and love. I was disappointed by the film – even though I think Jamie Dornan is seriously hot, he wasn’t quite the Mr Grey I had created in my head.

The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic – Sophie Kinsella

I’ve read all of the books in the Shopaholic series and I think they’re all great. They’re easy to read and don’t take too much concentration – perfect for when I’m knackered and struggling to concentrate on anything too taxing. They’re hilarious as well.

Tigers Child – Torey Hayden

I couldn’t choose out of my favourite books by Torey Hayden – I love them all. They are all based on real life experiences of the author, who is an American special education teacher. She’s worked with some seriously emotionally disturbed children and some of the stories are so heartbreaking, but she is incredibly inspiring.

 The Devil Wears Prada – Lauren Weisberger

This was a book that I read a long time before the film came out, and I was actually really pleased with the film – Meryl Streep as exactly the Miranda that I had created in my head!!

So there are a few of my favourite books – there are many more!! What are your favourites? Let me know in the comments or on Facebook  and I’ll go and check them out!!



*Contains affiliate links

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