Harrison has spent his life being photographed, and seeing me take photos. Whenever he had the chance, he would get our iPhones and take pictures. I think photography is a fantastic skill to have, and we obviously wanted to encourage him, so we bought him a VTech Kiddy Zoom Digital Camera last Christmas.
Unfortunately, after a few months the battery cover went missing and he couldn’t use it. After months of searching on eBay, I found a replacement which came on the weekend. He was off around the house and garden snapping away. He filled the memory card up so I uploaded them, and it was really interesting to see what he had taken. Here’s the best of the bunch – I haven’t edited any of them, but he had used the filter setting on the camera.
Photography is a good skill! My children also love taking photos, too. It’s so good that they make cameras for kids!! I love the photos your son has taken, bless him.
These are great! I love seeing the random things such as the fence that he chose to take snaps of. I remember taking odd pictures when I was younger now they’re all of the baby 😛 Xx
I love letting my little man take pictures on my phone. Each day i look at my camera and see what pictures he has been taking. Sometimes there are some belters on there and its fab to see them. This is a great post x
It’s a great skill to develop young, and lovely to see the kind of things he thinks are interesting. Will be lovely to have as a compare and contrast over the months and years if he keeps the hobby up 🙂
Photography is wonderful for kids – it amazes me what pictures they take. They see things that we don’t! A kiddie zoom sounds like a great idea, I’m going to keep that in mind for my son for Christmas. x
Aww this is adorable, generally said made me smile! I love doing things like this with my little sister 🙂
Oh I love these! What a great eye he has already, Tia too loves taking photos and will often spend a few minutes “arranging” a toy then ask me for my phone so she can take a picture. It’s a fab skill to encourage, I love the one he took of his brother in the car and of the sky. Lovely post.
Aww looks like you have your own amateur photographer on your hands. It’s great to see children pick something up from a young age.
My eldest loves taking pictures. She’s always moaning that her iPad and phone have run out of storage because she’s taken loads and not had chance to print them off! LOL
Louise x
I’ve been toying with getting Erin a camera for her next birthday as she loves taking pictures too.
My two have their own cameras too and I find it fascinating to see what they have wanted to photo!
Aw its great that he loves using his camera so much! My little boy is 5 and loves taking selfies on both mine and his dads phones! We have been contemplating getting him a camera for christmas and after this I definitely think we will! x
What a really sweet and insightful post 🙂 It’s nice to be put in the shoes of a child again!
Tell you what, they’re very creative snaps them aren’t they! I think you’ve a real budding photographer on your hands there 🙂
My grandchildren love taking photos although the two and three year olds have not started yet.
That’s great that he enjoys photography, great hobby/skill to have. My 5 year old loves taking photos on my phone too. I must buy him his own camera too.
Jeepers he is good! Some very arty shots there, that’s a great gift too, i didnt know such a thing existed!
Very interesting blog post. Nice pictures he has taken. He has a great eye for nature.
What a lovely idea, some of our best family pics are ones my 4 year old has taken. I had to laugh recently we asked my son what was my job (stay at home) he said “the phone” I had to laugh when i get a chance i’m doing stuff for my blog or im taken pics of him and his sister.
I love seeing the random photos that my boys take on their ipods. I deleted about 50 of the carpet for son2 this week to free up some space
These are great, the fence makes me feel so small, it looks huge lol #snapit
Looks like you’ve got a little budding photographer on your hands. It’s so interesting to see what kind of things they take photos of.
Thanks for linking with #SnapItKids Hope to see you again soon x