Sugar Substitutes a Diabetes Patient Must Add To Their Meal Plan

Pampering and satisfying your sweet tooth can be challenging for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle. As you grow old, weight loss and diabetes become the reason to put your hands off from favourite delights. But it doesn’t mean you should restrict your cravings.

Taking up excess sugar when you have diabetes isn’t a good idea for your health. For that reason, it is wise to consider taking sugar substitutes to enjoy your favourite sweets without increasing your blood sugar levels.

Most of them are considered as “Free Foods.” These are the food options that are low in fat, and they don’t count as calories or carbohydrates on a diabetic exchange.

With that in mind, let’s delve into discussing the best ways to satisfy your sweet tooth without affecting your overall health.


You might have heard that you can’t eat fruits when you have diabetes. But this is not true. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and potent plant compounds called phytochemicals. 

The best thing about fruits is that you can consume them in different forms. For instance, you can juice them up, mix them in a smoothie, or add them to your favourite dessert.

Eating fruits may lower the risk of heart diseases, cancer and boost your overall health. Here are some of the fruits which you must try to satiate your cravings:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Apples
  • Kiwi

Cakes And Cookies

Having diabetes doesn’t mean giving up on your favourites like cakes and cookies. Suppose you’re planning to bake cookies and cakes during the holiday season. In that case, make sure to substitute sugar in a recipe with a zero calorie sweetener. It’ll help you keep your blood sugar in check and assist you in eating healthy.

Know that these sweeteners are low in fat and taste the same as sugar. You also have the option to prepare your favourite dessert with a fraction of calories healthily. 

After all, satiating your sweet tooth couldn’t get easier.

Unsweetened Ice Tea

Unsweetened ice tea has a little astringent taste that can keep you cool during the summers while replenishing your body’s fluid levels. Its richness in nutrients and compounds prevents you from several heart diseases.

An 8-ounce serving of sweet tea has 89 calories, while an equal portion of unsweetened iced tea contains just two calories.

Because unsweet tea does not impact blood sugar levels, someone with diabetes can utilize it as a beverage of choice. Medical experts suggest patients with diabetes avoid sweet drinks like canned juices, sodas, etc., as these affect health drastically.

Lemon Water

Adding a plain glass of lemon water to your diet can be a wise decision. This refreshing beverage is low in calories and is an alternative to aerated drinks.

Lemon water may not directly impact your blood sugar levels, but it can help prevent sudden spikes. This beverage can keep you hydrated, essential for people with diabetes.

The Bottom Line

No matter which food you choose, it is essential to take care of your blood sugar levels. However, depriving yourself of cravings is not an option, either. To satisfy your wants, you need to be smart with your intake and choose from the healthier alternatives mentioned above.

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