Working from home means I can work pretty much anywhere I want to. If I want to sit in bed in my PJ’s, I can. If I want to lie on the sofa with my feet up, I can. I do like being comfy, but I am much more productive when I am sitting at my desk. I feel more like I’m ‘at work’, and am less likely to get distracted by the TV or social media. In an ideal world, I would have a separate room to work in, but that’s just not possible. Instead, I’ve had to compromise and put a desk in the top corner of the living room.
My desk is nothing special. It’s a simple white table with a swivel chair from Ikea, but it absolutely does the job. It’s a little bit cramped, as it has my rather large Epson Et-4500 printer on it. I would love to be able to put that somewhere else to give me more workspace, but we have nowhere else to put it.
Balanced rather precariously on top of the printer is a little wicker basket which holds paperwork, notebooks, letters from school and all those random pieces of paper that you need to keep. I do want to find a slightly tidier way of storing them all – perhaps some sort of locker or something underneath, but it works for now.
There’s pretty much always a cup of coffee on my desk – the one in the photo is my ‘Best Mum’ one from Harrison. School does a lovely little thing where the kids can buy their mums a present for mother’s day (and one for dad on father’s day). It came with a little matching coaster which protects my lovely clean white desk from the inevitable coffee mug rings.
Next to my mug is my pen pot. This is actually a white metal plant pot from Ikea, which I added a strip of patterned washi tape to, just to prettify it a bit! I haven’t really got any special pens – it’s all just bog standard biros and pencils in there, with the odd felt tip pen and crayon which sneaks it’s way in.
The little brightly coloured bird next to that is a ceramic one from Baker Ross, which Harrison painted for me a while back. At the moment, it holds random bits and pieces such as spare batteries and memory cards for my camera and a few washi tapes.
My many post-it notes (and believe me, there are many!) are stored in the little purple drawer set which I bought when I had my first class. There’s also things like paper clips, pins and elastic bands floating around in there. Basically, all the junky bits get shoved in there!!
The little box on the top of the drawers holds lots of small pieces of card and paper. These were from my teaching days, to make quick flashcards and number cards on. I use them quite a lot with Harrison at home, for number practise and phonics activities, so having them to hand is always useful.
Obviously, the main things on my desk are my laptop and planner. My laptop was an early 30th birthday present from my parents last year when my old one suddenly died. It’s a HP Pavilion with beatsaudio, and I love it! I’ve written about my planner before, and how just about everything is written down in there!
So there you have it, a little tour of my desk! What’s on yours?
Ahh! Your desk looks a perfect place to work…
I blog from my armchair. I would love a desk but I have nowhere to put it x
Great post, I’m so much more productive at the desk too! I have a vintage desk covered in clutter. One day I will find the time to sort it out and I’m sure I’ll be even more productive then!
Ahhh, love the idea to stick washi tape around your pen pot! Fantastic idea – does your desk still look like this now? Or has it changed? Would love to know! I’d absolutely love a proper desk to work at but we just don’t have space at the moment… my laptop on the sofa is my desk at the moment. Not very glamorous!