As Halloween draws ever close, the kids will be getting more and more excited. Even if you don’t go out trick and treating, there’s plenty of fun to be had, whether doing spooky crafts. watching scary films or throwing a party. Of course, one of the most exciting parts of Halloween for the kids is deciding what they are going to dress up as – are you going all out and making something for them, or making life much easier and buying one? I know Harrison and Alex would love a Spiderman costume from The Disney Store.

Of course, we all want our children to have lots of fun and enjoy themselves at Halloween, but it is important to keep them safe, especially as it get’s so dark so early. Here are a few safety points to discuss with your kids before they go out and about at Halloween:
Keeping kids safe at Halloween
- Only visit houses of friends and family
- Don’t go alone – preferably have a responsible adult with you
- Use a personal safety alarm
- Don’t go into strangers houses
- Plan a route before you go – make sure someone else knows where you are going
- Come home / check in at a pre agreed time
- Stay on the pavements and look carefully before crossing the road
- Throw away any edible treats or sweets that have been opened or unwrapped
- If you are wearing a mask, make sure that you can see out of it
- Respect that some people may be hesitant to open the door to people that they don’t know, particularly the elderly. It’s always better to stick to houses that are decorated.
- Remember that some people may be eating their dinner, working or getting younger children to bed. Only knock the door once, and if they don’t answer, move on.
- Make sure costumes are warm – it gets very chilly at night
- Choose good quality costumes, and be careful around candle lit decorations

What are your top tips for keeping kids safe at Halloween? I’d love you to leave your ideas in the comments box!
*In collaboration with The Disney Store