Some of you have probably noticed that it’s been very quiet from me in the blog of the last couple of weeks. I intended this month to be full of lots of exciting giveaways and other bits and bobs, but as usual, nothing quite went to plan! Why?
We moved house!!
Yes, at 33 weeks pregnant we moved house. As you can imagine, it’s been absolutely mental, and my poor blog has been neglected. The one thing this has done for me is made me realise just how much I love blogging, and that it now it has almost reached a year old, it has become an important part of who I am. Plus, the little break means when I am fully back and organised I have plenty to write about!
Back to the house move…it all happened very quickly. Our landlord, who has always been extremely unhelpful (think leaving us with no water or heating for three weeks, plaster crumbling down to brickwork, damp issues in the kitchen…and that isn’t even half if it!) Decided he was going to give us notice that he wanted the house back for ‘personal residence’. Because we were on a rolling contract he only needed to give us two months notice, which took us to the middle of December and Ben’s due date. To be honest, we hated the house and hadn’t been happy there for a while because of the issues, and since the water incident in the summer we’ve felt there’s been a huge breakdown in the relationship between us, the estate agents and the landlord. This all happened literally two weeks ago!
We then started the mad hunt to find a house ASAP. Problem is, there seemed to be nothing in the area whatsoever. We really wanted to avoid a move to somewhere totally different as Harrison is settled in school, and I see my mum most days and didn’t want to be far. To cut a very long story short, we viewed a house last Saturday that is about 15 minute walk from the old house, meaning no upheaval from school. We loved the house, and less than a week later (Friday) we picked the keys up. This house is where we want to stay now, although renting privately there is no guarantee. The other house, which we lived in for over a year never really felt like home, and we never really felt happy there, so this is our ‘fresh start’. I have a good feeling about the house, and it already feels like a home. Even my mum said the other house, which she spent a lot of time in never felt quite right, but this one does already.
We’ve spent the weekend (also my birthday weekend) moving, so it’s been crazy. We are pretty much unpacked now, just all the annoying bits that need places. It’s a lovely house, needs a lick of paint in the hallway and bathroom, and some new vinyl in the kitchen and bathroom (with the other half being a carpet fitter, that’s no problem!!). Instead of having a separate lounge and dining room we now have one big room, which is more practical with kids. We have gone from having a huge (but horrible) kitchen in the old house to a tiny (and I mean tiny!!) one here. We also have a downstairs bathroom, which is great during the day but when you need a wee every ten minutes during the night due to a baby using your bladder as a trampoline it is slightly irritating! We also have laminate floor – easier to clean up paint!!
So yeah, that’s been the last couple of weeks! We also had another drama which saw my dad badly breaking his ankle and needing surgery, so in between giving us a hand and playing nurse, she’s knackered. She’s a teaching assistant so is off luckily this week, but mum, if you’re reading this, we really appreciate all your help…love you!!!
Until next Wednesday I’m running off mobile internet so blogging is still going to be a bit patchy. Can’t wait to be up and running again!