Today is the first day of the holidays (and I’m spending it pretty much child- free!!).It also means Harrison’s first year at ‘proper’ school has come to an end, and what a year it has been.
Any child starting school is a big deal, but when it is your first child, it’s massive. I knew I would never be one of those parent’s crying on the first day, nor was I worried about him settling in. I was so excited for him because I knew just how much he would love it. He had been to the nursery at the school, so already had a year of wearing the uniform, going to and taking part in special assemblies and getting used to the school building and routines.
Thanks to the efforts of the nursery, and me doing some things with him at home, he started reception being able to write his name and count to ten. Now he can read lots of words, write in full sentences and count way beyond 20. He’s met every single one of his early learning goals and exceeded the ones for his personal, social and emotional development.
We were so, so proud of his school report – it was really positive and I lived that he was described as an ‘excellent role model for his peers’ as well as a ‘kind natured, polite and happy little boy’ who makes his teacher ‘smile every day with his quirky personality’.
He gets on well with everyone around him but does have his group of special friends. Thankfully, they’ve all been put in the same class for year one, where I’m sure they will grow even closer.
He’s done all sorts of fun and exciting things in reception. He’s been on a school trip to Conkers, taken part in his first class assembly and won certificates. He comes home from school every day full of excitement about what he has been up to during the day. The school update an online learning journal for them regularly, so we can see what they have been doing, and of course, I’ve been in the wonderful position of working at the school and being able to see him during the day at times.

The transition between reception and year one can be quite tough. In reception, there are few structured learning sessions, with most of it being through play. In year one there is far, far less time for playing and it’s a lot more structured. I know Harrison is going to be absolutely knackered for the first term, but I also know he will thrive on the structure. He has the same teacher that he had in nursery next year, who he absolutely adores, so he’s really looking forward to being in Shark Class!
We are so proud of what he has achieved this year, and so grateful to the fantastic teachers and teaching assistants that he’s had this year, who have been there, supporting him and helping him.
Let’s just hope he has as much success and happiness in year one – I;m confident that he will!
Wow, it’s so heartening to read how well he has done in reception, my eldest starts in September. I hope she gets on just as well, you must be so proud.
I’m so glad that Harrison has done so well in Reception. I am sure he will love year one!