Last week was a better week for sticking to the plan. We drifted off it once or twice, but that’s because it’s the Easter holidays and we were off out and about. This week, we will be back into a routine. Graham has started a new job with better, more normal shifts. No more 12 hour shifts or night shifts – he’ll be doing 6-2, Monday to Friday, which means we will all be able to eat together every night.
Here’s this week’s meal plan:
Monday: Toad in the hole with sweet potato mash
Tuesday: Potato, egg and asparagus salad
Wednesday: Leek and potato pie
Thursday: Mac n’cheese, garlic bread
Friday: Fajitas
Saturday: Spanish chicken and roasted veg
Sunday: Beef roast dinner
Looks like a lovely meal plan. Both my girls are obsessed with mac and cheese. X
Do you know what I really fancy I pie right now, must put it on my next weeks meal plan!