Castles and Knights

My kids have an incredible imagination. It’s something that I am really proud of. They can literally have fun with nothing and can turn any object into something else. A Trunki suitcase became Harrison’s ‘briefcase’, a notebook immediately becomes a school register or an order notebook for a cafe. Any part of the house becomes roads and mountains for their cars. It really is lovely to watch.

Last week, in an attempt to get some fresh air and burn off some excess energy, we headed to Basingwerk Abbey ruins, in Holywell. We’ve been there a few times when we have been on holiday in the area, but this was the first time we have been since we have lived here. It’s a lovely place to go for an hour – it’s free to visit the ruins and walk around the grounds, and there is a little tearoom which is obviously VERY important. When we went on the weekend, it was totally deserted – probably because it was cold, grey and drizzly. That never stops us though – it’s nothing that a coat, hat, gloves and wellies can’t deal with!

The Abbey was built in 1132 and there’s not a great deal of it left. The boys couldn’t really grasp what an abbey was, but that didn’t matter –  they turned it into a grand castle in their minds. Their coats and hats became part of their suits of armour.

Sticks from fallen trees became swords. Ben, being the littlest, became the prisoner which they had to capture and guard. Windows became look-outs, ditches became deep rivers.

We only spent about an hour there but it really sparked their imaginations. When we got home, they were full of tales of castles and dragons and brave knights and kings. Since then, castles has been their favourite game, and we’ve had hundreds of pictures drawn of castles and knights. Harrison wants to go to the library and get some books out about castles – all sparked from a quick run around some ruins.

Country Kids

The Ordinary Moments

9 thoughts on “Castles and Knights”

  1. What fantastic imagination your little ones have, it’s great when they find a place like the abbey so inspiring despite the drizzle. Looks like you had great fun. #CountryKids

  2. What a wonderful place to visit, it’s always great when a family outing like this can inspire the fun for weeks after. You can see in the photos how much fun they’re having and how much they’re concentrating on their part of their knights and castles story. Little adventures really can inspire big thoughts, it’s great to see your three playing together with such happiness.

    Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.

  3. Lovely post. This looks like a superb place to explore with little ones. I often think that ruins like this are more impressive than heavily-restored, over-maintained buildings, especially for kids – in places like this, they can let their imaginations run riot and the lack of crowds mean that it often more relaxing for the parents too. It’s funny there’s a tea shop there (or maybe I’ve been in Luxembourg too long)? #CountryKids

  4. Oh it so lovely when you visit somewhere and can see them relishing it and watch their imaginations take hold. It always makes me feel as though its worth it! If you know what I mean! we love a good castle and the fact that this is free and has a cafe makes it perfect. Stopping by from #CountryKids

  5. On of our favourite pastimes as a family is exploring castles – luckily there are loads in Wales. This place looks great for a day out adventuring
    Popping over from Country Kids

    Laura x

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