Benjamin’s 4 Month Update

Today, Benjamin is four months old!

He has changed so much since his three month update, and he is constantly surprising us with all the new things he does.


He is pulling himself into a sitting position – he obviously isn’t quite strong enough to stay sitting up yet, but he is almost there. He is also showing us his eagerness to get moving. He has been able to roll over for quite a while now, and when he is on his front, he is pushing his knees up and sticking his bum into the air ready to crawl. Of course, he hasn’t got the strength or the power to actually move, but he has the technique sorted. Harrison and Alex started crawling a month or so after they started to do this, so time to start baby proofing very soon!


He is still a really easy baby to deal with. He sleeps well and is generally settled in the daytime, with plenty of big beaming smiles and cute little giggles and gurgles. He has had the odd few unsettled moments lately because he is teething – cue lots of dribbling! Ashtons and Parson’s powder seems to be doing the trick though thankfully.

He now weighs a very respectable 13lb 15oz. He is still on the 25th centile but is very long – his 3-6 month sleepsuits only just about fit him!.

He loves to watch what is happening around him and is much happier now he can sit his little seat at the dining table with us. Sometimes, it all gets too much for him though!





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3 thoughts on “Benjamin’s 4 Month Update”

  1. Wow! Benjamin seems to be really coming along! I’m finding so far that Esmé is far lazier than Phoebe ever was. She can sit up by herself (most of the time!), she just prefers to be held up! She can also push herself up into a crawling-ready position but it’s comical because she then face-plants the floor as if to say ‘it’s just TOO hard’ lol. I’m not worried though- I was so eager for Phoebe to grow and develop, I’m happy to just let Esmé do her thing. She’ll do everything when she’s ready I’m sure 🙂 x

  2. Wow, he is a clever little man. I have lazy 7 month old twins who hardly do any of that! I’m in no rush for them to be on the move. They’re my last babies so I want to enjoy every moment

  3. Gosh he is gorgeous. There is something about getting to the 4 month mark, for me I suddenly realised that my daughters had fallen into pretty good routines and sleep patterns and that everything had settled down a bit – and wasn’t really sure quite when it happened! Enjoy every minute of his babyhood – I’m sure you already know how quickly it zooms by! X

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