Affording A New Baby: Everything Mums-To-Be Need To Know

As much as you are excited when you see that positive come up on the test, it can leave some mums-to-be filled with worry about finances. After all, having a baby is one of the most costly things you will go through. They need so much stuff and you are unable to work for a few months which can leave your family strapped for cash. However, there are some ways you can welcome a new baby without feeling the pinch. Here is everything mums to be need to know about affording a new baby:

Consider what you actually need

You will be surprised how much mums to be buy that they don’t actually need for their little one. They often see something in a magazine or in a TV ad that they think they need, but you actually only need a minimum amount of stuff when your baby is first born. After all, your newborn is bound to just live in baby grows for the first few months of their life. There is plenty of time to splash the cash on fancy clothes for them when they are a bit older. And as for the nursery, remember your little one will be in your bedroom for the first few months of its life, so if you can’t afford to kit out the nursery now, wait until your baby is slightly older and you have more cash to spend! However, you should never scrimp on safety, so look for the best premium car seats you can afford to keep your baby safe in the car. Even a sudden stop can be dangerous to a baby with their weak bones and undeveloped muscles, so a good car seat is essential.

Work out a plan

You can also ensure you have everything you need for your new baby by making a plan. You need to write down exactly what you need to get and the cost next to it. By doing this, it will stop any impulse purchases that you might make. Having a list of items will also help when friends and family ask what they can buy. That way, you can show them the list and then cross out ones they will buy you. It will stop them just buying non-essentials which will sit in the drawer when baby arrives.

Consider second hand for particular items

If you have friends who have had babies, it’s worth considering asking if they have any items they want to part with. After all, they might not have used particular items that you could use for your newborn and certain items such as clothes and toys are fine to have second-hand. It could save you and your other half a fortune when buying items for your baby. You just need to avoid items like car seats for your baby if they are second-hand as you don’t know the history of them.

Sign up with baby websites and shops

Signing up to baby websites and shops is an excellent way to get items at an affordable rate for your newborn. After all, they are likely to give you the best deals and discounts on the latest items. In fact, some sites will send you out free samples, such as Gratisfaction, and you are likely to get newsletters with discounts on new items too. Therefore, join up to reap the rewards for your newborn.

Remember to try and put some money away as savings during your pregnancy. That way, you will have a fund to go to during your maternity leave.

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