What’s Your Wish?


If you had one wish for your children, what would it be?

I was recently asked this question by  Pampers and UNICEF to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their 1 pack = 1 vaccine campaign. Their wish is to eliminate maternal and newborn tetanus everywhere. So far, they have helped to eliminate tetanus in seventeen countries – saving an estimated 500,000 newborn babies. However, it is still a very real danger in twenty-one countries.

High Profile Supporter Emma Bunton with mother Louisabelle Tafitasda Raherivololona (25) who gets vaccinated against Maternal and Newborn Tetanus at the Ankadinandriana Health Center.Pampers and UNICEF '1 pack = 1 vaccine' campaign to support the fight against Maternal & Newborn Tetanus. Ankadinandriana, Madagascar. 25th July 2014. Picture by Jordi Matas

My wish for my three beautiful boys is by no means an original one. In fact, I’m sure that every single mum and dad across the world would say exactly the same – I wish for them to be healthy.We are so very lucky to be blessed with a fantastic health care system in the UK. Whilst this is never any guarantee of good health, we know that we will always have access to the care and treatment that we need. As regular readers will know, Benjamin was really poorly last year and we almost lost him. It was, without a doubt, the most terrifying few days of my life. Thanks to our amazing NHS, he is absolutely fine now, but I still feel sick at the thought of it. The fear of anything happening to any of my boys is something that often keeps me awake at night. To lose a child to tetanus, a disease that is so easily prevented with a simple vaccine, is beyond unimaginable.

For every view that this post receives, Pampers will donate the cost of 3 vaccines – so please, please, please get sharing!!!!

If you could have one wish for your child, what would it be?


*In collaboration with Pampers

2 thoughts on “What’s Your Wish?”

  1. Have shared on Facebook. What a great way to get awareness.

    My wish for my child would be that they’re happy =)

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