The time has come to think about how to make sure that you are warm, cosy and toasty when you are cuddled up inside. Some may turn up the heating and get their radiators pumping, some may decide to reach for their fluffy slippers and dressing gown in order to stay warm.
Another consideration that you could make if you have space is a wood burning stove. But what makes a wood burning stove such a hit and why is it something that you should be considering for the winter months?
They help with heating bills
No one likes paying out a small fortune just to heat their house. However, that doesn’t mean that you should have to live in the cold. A w0od burning stove is a great way to warm up a room and if you put it in the right place, you can even heat up a whole house if you need to. All you need is a pile of wood and after the initial investment, you will see a reduction in your heating bills.
It is a much greener option
Running radiators and central heating are going to keep your house warm, but it is also going to be burning up those fossil fuels too. We all know that we should be doing more to help the environment, but do we know just how much damage this is doing? A great way to reduce your carbon footprint, whilst still making sure that your house is warm is with a wood burning stove.
You don’t have to have a chimney
One thing that plenty of people say about having a wood burning stove is that they don’t have a chimney. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have one. It is relatively easy to have a metal chimney installed if you do decide to have a wood burning stove and you can even have it covered with stone if you want a rustic look. It is a good idea to try and have a chimney in a place that will reach straight up into the roof, as any twists and turns are going to reduce efficiency.
They don’t have to cost the Earth
A concern that people have with wood burning stoves is that they are expensive. Not only as an initial investment but also ongoing. Whilst you do have to pay out initially, the amount of money that you save on your energy bills is definitely going to make up for that cost. Not only this, but if you take the time to shop around, then you will definitely find a place that offers low-cost logs, and this will save you money too!
A wood-burning stove is an ideal addition to your home for the winter months. So, why not take a look and see if you can find the right one for you here: