The Space To Play

Although no one can guarantee the weather – especially in the UK – there are certain times of the year when we can be sure that we’ll be spending more time outdoors. The summer, with all its lush greenery and bright sunshine, all its promise and joy, is a beautiful time of the year, and no one wants to be kept inside, including, and especially, the kids!

Entertaining the little ones can be costly, both in terms of money and time, finding the balance between keeping them amused or happy and getting some much needed time to yourself can be a hard trick to master. Day trips are wonderful, and are fantastic for bonding, making memories, and generally making the most of the moment, but it’s just not possible to go somewhere every weekend in term time, or every day during the holidays. So what else can be done? You want your kids to be happy, to keep from becoming bored, to enjoy themselves, but your pocket and your own time constraints  mean that it’s not just possible to leave the home as often as they, and you, might like.

So don’t leave it; instead make it the ultimate place to be. Utilise your space, inside and out, so that it is the destination of choice for parties, play dates, and simply enjoying your time together as a family.

With the long summer holidays not far away, you’ll want to make the most of the space you have, giving your children the chance to enjoy the sunshine whilst it’s there, yet still give them room to play when it’s not. But how to ensure that you’ll be able to keep an eye on them when they are playing in the garden? Wouldn’t it be great to have that extra peace of mind that you can see what they’re up to and what games they are playing from the comfort of your living room (or dining room, conservatory, kitchen…)?

You can! Make your home a safe, secure haven for the little ones, whilst retaining that comfort you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

It’s as easy as putting in a door. A bi-folding door, to be exact; one that allows for whole walls to be pushed aside, and for sunshine to pour in when and where you need it the most. A door that gives you the best view in the house, and which allows your children the freedom they need to thrive.


Adding bi-folding doors to your home will give you the peace of mind you’re looking for when it comes to the kids. And it will give your children all the space they need to be able to have that all important learning and play time mix. Imagine being able to relax in your own home with your stunning new bi-fold doors open all the way, and allowing the garden to flow. With your bi-folding doors open to full stretch, you’ll have the perfect view of your little ones’ antics, as well as being able to feel the sun’s warmth. And the kids will love it too; they’ll have even more space to play, with the garden becoming a true extension of their home. Even on rainy days, these large glass panes will bring in light make whichever room you choose to have them feel bigger.

But it’s more than just a way to keep the kids safe and happy. These high quality, exceptionally versatile doors will give you the sense of space that you need to enjoy your summer to the fullest. Family barbecues, dinner parties, an impromptu night in with friends, however you like to entertain these doors can be put to good use. Both inside and outside spaces can be part of your get together or celebration, merging seamlessly to allow more comfort, more guests, and more merriment.

Designers are keen to impress just how important melding your inside and outside spaces is, and this inexpensive yet utterly revolutionary way of doing that is totally ‘on trend’. The doors come in any size ranging from 6ft to 16ft, and there are a number of exceptional materials to choose from, depending on your desired style and available budget. Aluminium, solid oak, and engineered hardwood are just a few. And all glass is fully UV protected (these are just some of the options I could see at Vufold at least).

The heady days of summer aren’t far away – make sure your family and friends can look back on it when the chill of winter descends and smile at the memories you helped to make simply by giving them – and you – the space to play!

*Guest Post

3 thoughts on “The Space To Play”

  1. Would be lovely! But don’t think it would work on a 200 year old house! 🙂

    1. Very jealous – bet you have lots of character in such an old house!

  2. My daughter as got big patio windows in her home & when i eat breakfast with her little one while she works,We discuss what see can see,We count the birds we can see or we watch the wind blowing the tree’s.It’s lovely,laughs when the Apples fall off the tree lol.

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