Meal Planning Monday 8/4/19

I *think* we have a relatively straightforward week this week, although I thought the same about last week. Then came the phone call on Wednesday to collect Harrison and Alex from their schools because of a power cut. As lovely as it was to have them home for the afternoon, it really threw me out! It will be a busy week in terms of work for me though, as the kids break up on Friday and I want to try and get ahead as much as I can.

Meal Planning Monday

Meal Plan

Click here to see last week’s plan

Beef and Broccoli Stirfry

Avocado and halloumi tacos

Mushroom strogonoff

Fish pie with broccoli

Salmon fish cakes, new potatoes and peas

Homemade chicken kievs with sweet potato fries

Roast dinner

Joining in with the meal planning linky at


8 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 8/4/19”

  1. Oh gosh a power cut doesnt sound ideal, my children break up this friday for easter too, I havent even bought one egg yet but with 3 of them and lots of children in our family I need to soon, looks like another yummy week, I wouldnt mind trying the beef and broccoli stir fry xx

  2. We’re meal planners & always looking for inspiration from others for straightforward meal ideas.
    Thanks for sharing your plans.

  3. nice plan for this week, I’m going to have to check out an avocado and halloumi taco recipe now.

  4. the tacos sound amazing going to have to look into them. We love mushroom stragnoff it makes such a lovely meal

  5. I really must try broccoli in a stirfry – sounds delicious!
    Thanks for linking up! I always get thrown off if my daughter has to come home from childcare unexpectedly!

  6. I’ve never tried halloumi. Partly coz I dunno what to do with it! I might try it in tacos too. That sounds good. You really make your own Kiev’s????? That sounds fiddly! I am impressed Tx

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