A mixed bunch of pictures of the kids this week, all doing something different. Again, car issues and weather have stopped us doing much, but hopefully, from the end of this week, that will be sorted (well, the car anyway!).
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Ben and I went on a bus journey to Llandudno on Friday. He might be starting at a nursery in the next couple of weeks for five mornings a week so I wanted to do something nice with him. It’s the first time he’s been on the bus here in Wales, and he loved it. We literally only went, had a coffee (me) and a gingerbread man (him) and came home again, but it obviously tired him out!
I still can’t believe Alex is now reading books with words in. He isn’t quite as interested in reading as Harrison, but he is trying really hard. Can’t say I’m loving another round of Biff, Chip and Kipper books though!
Harrison doing what he does best, posing. The kid is a complete show-off. He’s almost seven and I’m conscious of the fact that I put an awful lot of photos of him out there in public. Every couple of weeks I check in with him to make sure he doesn’t mind – I think this photo for a review says it all! In fact, he asks me to take pictures of him to put on the blog, and he keeps asking if he can start his own YouTube channel!
Awww E is reading similar books and it’s amazing to listen to and watch her read now.
Oh gosh, I am pretty done with Biff, Chip and Kipper too!!! I cannot wait until they are past that stage! x
Learning to read is so exciting – I can’t say I’ll be sad when the books get a bit more interesting though! And a trip on the bus for coffee and a gingerbread man sounds like a great way to spend a few hours 🙂 #LivingArrows