Living Arrows 2/52

This holiday hasn’t quite been what I expected it to be – we were going to do SO much, but having no car and crap weather put a bit of a halt to that.

Instead, though, we’ve been embracing (well, trying to!) staying in and doing some ordinary things. Because we spend a lot of time out and about, it was actually quite nice to stay in and watch lots of films, do some painting and drawing, play with the new toys and when we did venture out, it was just across the road to the park or down to our local beach.

Harrison had some Heeley’s for Christmas, so I’ve taken him for a few ‘skates’ around the block. He hasn’t quite got the hang of how to do it yet (clearly inherits that skill from his mother!) so it’s ended up being more of a walk. it’s been lovely though, just him and me, chatting about random things.  I spend a lot of time one on one with Benjamin whilst the others are at school, but very little time with each of the older ones alone. I’m definitely going to try and do something about that this year!

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

These were all taken at our local park, which has the nickname of ‘Pirate Park’. It’s only a five-minute walk from our house and every time we have been, it’s been totally empty. The kids enjoyed riding their bikes around and being able to play on everything without having to wait or take turns!

Living Arrows

5 thoughts on “Living Arrows 2/52”

  1. These are such lovely bright photos of your boys. How handy to have a park so close to your house and a bonus to have it to yourselves.

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