Baby’s Hospital Bag

Last week I gave you a little peek into my hospital bag, which you can read here. This week, I’m talking about what I’ve put in Benjamin’s bag.




Blanket x 2 I’m taking two because I know how babies can be quite sicky sometimes, and the hospital ones aren’t very nice. These are lovely cellular ones which both Harrison and Alex used as newborns – I think it’s nice that they will all have used the same blankets.

Nappies I do have a beautiful newborn cloth one from Tots Bots which I did want to use as his first nappy, but after remembering how messy those first meconium bum changes can be, I’ve decided to stick to disposables until that’s all out of his system! I’ve put the whole pack of nappies in (think there is 21) because we don’t have a car, so I don’t want Graham to have to worry about coming up and down with more nappies if we have to stay in for a couple of days.

Baby Wipes I know lots of people don’t like using baby wipes on newborn skin, but after battling (and failing!) sticky yucky changes with cotton wool and water with Harrison, I definitely will be taking a pack of unfragranced baby wipes with me!

Nappy Cream Hoping we won’t need it, but just in case I’ve popped in one of the samples of Metanium bum cream from one of the many Emma’s Diary or Bounty Packs.

Muslin Cloths x3 To me, muslins are one of the most useful baby items. They’re perfect as lightweight blankets, burp cloths, wiping up milky dribble….so these are definitely in there!

Vests x6 I have put six in because with both the boys I was in for at least two full days, and got through 2/3 vests a day. These are a mix of newborn and 0-3 months, although I may swap one of the bigger sizes for another newborn – I had a growth scan yesterday and it looks like Ben is going to be on the smaller size of average

Sleepsuits x6 Pretty much same as above!

Comforter This was something I won ages ago, even before I knew Ben was a boy bump. I do now think that receiving a blue one was a little sign he was going to be a boy!

Snowsuit He’s going to be a late November/December baby so needs something warm to come home in!

Hats Babies lose lots of heat through their little heads so I’ve popped in a couple of cute hats


So there is Ben’s hospital bag. I’m hoping I haven’t forgotten anything! What were your essentials in babies bag?


One thought on “Baby’s Hospital Bag”

  1. Everything is right.But I didn’t take some snacks and after delivery I was SO HUNGRY.The hospital give me breakfast just in the morning,so,my husband bought me some foods in the evening.And also take plenty of water.

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