5 Energy Saving Tips: How To Keep Heating Bills Down All Year

*Paid feature

Having a family is tough, that’s a fact. Add in the costs of running a household and, when budgets are tight, finding the money to pay for a hefty energy bill can cause all kinds of problems. However, don’t fret! There are plenty of ways to take back control over those pesky heating bills.

Did you know that around half of your fuel bill goes on heating and water? While it may seem like a mammoth task to drastically reduce your heating bills, there are a number of steps you can take to help get the costs down. As opined by the experts at Bonded Oil, finding an economical oil supplies is the first step to cut down on your energy costs.

Set a timer for your boiler and hot water to come on only when you’re home and need it. This is generally early morning and in the evening, and will minimise wastage. If you have a thermostat, you can heat only the areas of the house you need, while varying the temperature depending on the room and your personal requirements. Similarly, turning your heating down by just a few degrees can save around £100 a year!

Invest in a cost-effective boiler

Boilers account for such a huge proportion of our energy bills that ensuring yours is efficient and running correctly is key. Having an old, or inefficient boiler can have a massive impact on your bills. An easy way to save energy is to change your existing boiler to an oil heating tank. Or, if your home uses gas, upgrade to a new condensing combi boiler. You may need or want to consider a pressurisation unit from Complete Pump Supplies.

Did you know that over 1.5 million homes around Britain use heating oil for their energy supply? Previously thought of as dirty, expensive or even unreliable, heating oil is actually a cost-effective way to heat your home. And, with local suppliers delivering straight to your door, it couldn’t be easier!

Limescale increases energy usage

This may not apply to everyone, but those that live in hard water areas will know the pain that comes with limescale. However, what you see around taps, surfaces, and kettles is only the tip of the iceberg. Limescale is caused by minerals in hard water, when it’s heated or evaporates, it leaves behind limescale. Where the energy issue comes from is when the limescale builds up on and in the heating elements. Just 1.6mm of scale build-up can reduce the efficiency of heating systems by up to 12%. And it doesn’t stop there, limescale impacts appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, it also clogs pipework that can cause costly repairs and reduces the flow of water around your home.

Ultimately, limescale costs you all around in higher energy costs, cleaning products to get rid of it, repairs and replacements, you use more detergent and soap, and it can also cause skin and hair issues. To tackle limescale, the best option is to remove the minerals from the hard water before it reaches all of the above by installing a non-electric water softener. A softener removes the minerals from hard water and it will supply your entire home with limescale-free water and all the benefits that come with it. 

Switch it off and go greener

Practically all electrical appliances have a standby mode – a low power ‘sleep mode’ designed to conserve power and minimise the time it would take to turn off and on fully. However, even small appliances and electronics use energy when they remain plugged in, even if they’re on standby or turned off. The best way to conserve energy and drag down those hefty bills is to make sure all your appliances are turned off and unplugged when not in use.

Shut the door!

We’ve all been there, you’re sat in a cosy room when someone else walks in, leaving the door wide open and letting all the warm air out. It’s a phrase we’ve all uttered (read, screamed) at our family members for as long as we can remember, and for good reason. While there’s a bit more to it than simply closing the door, the principle stays the same – why waste money on heating, just to let the warmth escape outside?
In a typical home, around 20% of all heat-loss is due to poor ventilation and draughts. Keeping windows and doors closed while sealing unnecessary draughts and gaps will have a huge effect on your overall bills.

Insulate, insulate, insulate!

Ensuring your house has proper insulation is the key to both energy saving and cost-cutting. With around a quarter of your home’s heat escaping through an uninsulated loft, and a further third of all heat is lost through the walls. So, if your house isn’t adequately insulated, you may as well be throwing your money down the drain. Whether you’ve got unfilled cavity walls or a loft with insulation that has seen better days, it’s worth investing in the short term to reap the long-term benefits!

By only using the heat and light appliances you really need, you can help to save energy. Switch lights off when you leave a room, don’t leave appliances on charge unnecessarily and follow our tips to help reduce your energy footprint and lower those bills!

*Collaborative post

4 thoughts on “5 Energy Saving Tips: How To Keep Heating Bills Down All Year”

  1. Fuel Poverty has had an impact on many. Any measures which help to reduce costs /bills can be helpful for individuals, families :- Especially those with young children, elderly, ill family members ( as many are cared for at home in present times), Etc.

  2. This time of year we need to save more and reduce costs, but also consider the environmental impacts

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