Well, we had the 20-week scan on Monday. I was incredibly nervous. Lots of us get excited about possibly finding out the sex at this scan, but what is most important about this scan is that it is there to check the baby is healthy. It never crossed my mind that there would be any problems when I was pregnant with Harrison and Alex, but after seeing a fellow blogger find out her baby was very poorly at her 20-week scan, I realised that there is always that chance.
To begin with, the baby was VERY uncooperative, curling up into a ball with its back to us and legs crossed. At one point, it looked like we would have to back as she couldn’t see enough to do a full scan. After a bit of prodding and poking, it played ball. Absolutely everything that she could see seems absolutely fine, which was a relief!
Baby still had its legs crossed, but the woman was brilliant and did everything she could to get it to open its legs. She said she had an inkling but couldn’t be sure. A couple of minutes later, and baby gave us a quick flash. We were all left in absolutely no doubt whatsoever what sex baby is…
Yes. That is baby Benjamin’s willy! We are having another boy! I am now outnumbered. Because he was a little monkey, we couldn’t get a decent photo, but the sonographer kindly gave us this picture of his willy – one to show his girlfriend when he’s older! I’ve been asked if I’m disappointed that we won’t have a little girl. My truthful answer is I’m absolutely over the moon to have another boy, but a little sad that we won’t have a girl. I will now have three beautiful sons, all fairly close in age, who will hopefully grow up to be best friends and look after me when I’m an old lady! I also won’t have to do the birds and bees talk (that will be Graham’s job x3!), it will be cheaper (we have all the clothes already!), and I won’t have to put up with a stroppy teenage girl at any point!
We have decided that the baby will be called Benjamin Rhys. Many people wonder why we already have a name sorted and revealed it. We want Harrison and Alex to be familiar with the name and that there will be another baby, so we can get them used to the idea of having a name. Harrison tells me he will hold Benjamin on his lap and give him milk and cuddles. Alex comes over and kisses my tummy.
Since the scan, the kicks have intensified to the point where you can feel them on the outside of your tummy if you concentrate and know where to feel. I have an anterior placenta, which means my placenta is at the front rather than the back. I also had this with Alex. It doesn’t make much difference apart from making it a bit harder earlier to feel movement. I’ve been feeling movements for weeks, but only very gentle ones, so that explains why.
The day after the scan, we bought a few bits we needed. I’ve ordered another ten cloth nappies. This time we are trying ones from Alva baby. I ordered a mixture of prints and patterns, a wet bag, a nappy bucket from Amazon, and some more microfibre and bamboo liners. Watch out for a post about those next week! Even more exciting is that we have ordered the pushchair, which should be here later today! We were originally going to get the Cosatto All-Star, but we changed our mind and ordered this extremely bright and funky Cosatto Pablo from Beebies Baby Store. We also had a look at Nuna Sale & Deals and their pram range.
We had a plain black Graco pushchair for Harrison, which has been absolutely brilliant and lasted for Alex. In fact, it was the only pushchair we bought – it went from baby to toddler. There’s nothing wrong with it structurally now, but it’s very faded (being black) and looking a bit battered. I love that Pablo is so bright and cheerful, and will certainly brighten up miserable school runs in the winter! Again, watch out for a pre-review in the next couple of weeks!
Anyway, here is my 21-week bump!

How exciting!!
Very pleased for you all that baby Benjamin is healthy and his older brothers are looking forward to his arrival – siblings are the best 🙂
Congratulations! I love the fact that you already have ammunition for when he is older 🙂 x
Oh how exciting a baby boy on the way. Congratulations
Awww Congrats! 🙂 Wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy!! How lovely and WOW at that pushchair!! That is fabulous! xx
Awww congratulations , must be hard in the hot weather .x
Glad your baby is happy and healthy.
Aww definitely a photo for embarrassing the teenager! Congratulations, it’s a lovely name to choose too!
Congratulations! And the name you’ve chosen is lovely.
What a great photo to share when he’s older. Glad everything is going well.
I think it is such a fab idea for Harrison and Alex to know the name of their soon to be baby brother, so cute x
Ooh that buggy’s GORGEOUS! And so exciting to start getting things ready. Congratulations on another little boy – my husband is one of three brothers and they have a very special relationship. Thank you for linking up to #BlogBumpClub again – am now going to go back and swoon over your pram some more!
Love the Pablo! Well impressed you have a name we are still struggling!
☼Transatlantic Blonde☼
Fab news 😀 We decided the name of our second child within 5 mins after the scan, our son named her so that made it easy for us 🙂
Congratulations! It’s a boy 🙂 The first scan we had my son would only show us his bottom. He did not budge and there was no way to see anything else. The second time he posed us and it was easy to see that he was a boy 🙂 It’s a wonderful moment and a dear memory.
So pleased to hear he’s healthy Rachel, and loving the name choice. The pram looks really cool too, fab choice
Lovely bump! And huge congratulations on your little boy! How lovely to have 3 sons to look after you and each other!
x x x
Great to hear everything is going well and that the baby is healthy. Lovely to hear you are having a baby boy. Such an exciting time for you all.
Great to hear that all is well with baby Benjamin. You have chosen a lovely name. It’s very exciting buying a new pushchair too-I really like that it is so brightly coloured.
Such exciting news. Lots of people in that situation wouldn’t have found out the gender so I think your sonographer was very patient and baby was very accommodating. Great news.
Liska xx