16 week update

Well, here we are at 16 weeks…and it has absolutely flown by!


Next week I will have my first ‘proper’ midwife appointment. I won’t be seeing my midwife though, which is a shame as she was so lovely during my booking appointment. She’s on long term leave so it might be a while before I get to see her again. I’m hoping the vile midwife in saw when I was pregnant with Harrison won’t be there instead, but she is part of the same team so it is quite possible. She really was the most unsupportive person. It was my first pregnancy – it was scary! When I told her at sixteen weeks that I could barely keep anything down, she told me “you know you suffer with morning sickness when you decide to get pregnant, deal with it’. Well, firstly, not everyone had morning sickness (I haven’t had it this time!). Secondly, morning sickness is ‘supposed’ to ease up after twelve weeks or so. Thirdly – it certainly wasn’t morning sickness. It was morning, afternoon, evening and night sickness, which is not normal! Finally, the fact I was losing a lot of weight should have been an issue. Luckily, by about twenty weeks it eased up a little, and I was *only* being sick twice a day. I know now that I was more than likely suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum which can be pretty serious as you can end up dehydrated. She also didn’t inform me that from at least six months my blood pressure was high! This time though, if I am unlucky enough to have to see her again, I know what I need to ask, and any thing I’m not happy with I will tell her.

In terms of how I’m feeling – pretty good! In fact, this week I’ve had lots of energy and feel more motivated than I have in a long time. Other than needing a wee every morning at 5am, I’m sleeping pretty well and managing to stay up past 9pm. The fruit cravings have eased up a bit, but I’m still eating plenty of the stuff. I’m now wanting cans of ice cold fizzy Vimto, which is a little random as I don’t drink fizzy pop normally!

We have chosen our names – we think! The date for the 20 week anomaly scan has come through for the end of July. This will check everything is ok with baby, and hopefully we will find out the sex.

The boys are getting more interested in baby. Harrison tells everyone I have a baby in my tummy and comes and gives it a pat. Alex keeps coming over and lifting my top up and missing my tummy, which is beyond cute.

Watch out for the next update!

Mother's Always Right

5 thoughts on “16 week update”

  1. Aw I can’t believe they said that to you! I think sometimes midwives can forget that you don’t deal with this as much as they do so it’s easier to worry when you feel poorly all the time. Hope you feel better soon and have a good appointment. My 20 week scan is July too. Fingers crossed to find out the gender! 🙂
    Karen x

  2. Wow i cant believe that midwife spoke to you like that. If shes there for any of your appointments i would recommend walking out going straight to reception and telling them you are requesting another midwife appointment without this midwife. Dont let her attitude jepeodise yours and babys health xxx

  3. Oh I have everything crossed that you have a supportive midwife! HG is no laughing matter and you should have been given more support- I’ve been so lucky in that respect. Hope all goes well for you lovely
    x x x

  4. Wow, sounds like you had really bad luck with your midwife last time. What a thing to say to someone! I don’t think some people (although you’d have thought a midwife wouldn’t be in that category) realise how vulnerable pregnancy can make women feel. To be looked after properly is incredibly important – and to know you’re being listened to. I hope you get a midwife you like and can talk to properly this time. Thank you for linking up to the #BlogBumpClub – sorry I’m late commenting this week. I have a child with a broken leg and work deadlines coming out of my ears which aren’t helping the blogging this week! xx

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